Words by Jenny Winfield
Here at SMCDT, we thought it might be useful for us to start updating our members and interested parties on what we are discussing and working on at the moment, so here goes…..
Sea Mill Recreational Ground (Rec) improvements
We have been having many discussions about how the use of the Rec can be improved for all users, from dog walkers and runners to our local football teams and families just wanting to use our fantastic green space.
We are hoping to be part of a Bristol Initiative called Bristol Future Parks and are in discussion with their project lead to look at what this might mean for the Rec, but hopefully, there will be places to sit and enjoy the space as well as improvements to the bin situation – for both dog and people mess.
We are also working in partnership more with Shire Colts and over the summer you may have seen the fun things their line painter designed for us so the space was enjoyable even though matches weren’t being played.

Litter Picking
Over the past few months, we have run some really successful litter picks in partnership with the Sea Mills 100 group and also with the support of SUSWOT and we are pleased to now be working with the newly formed Sea Mills environmental group Sea Mills Climate Action Group, who are looking at ways Sea Mills and Coombe Dingle can become greener, more sustainable and reduce contribution to climate change.

SMCDT Charitable status
We are looking to change our organisational status and are applying to the Charity Commission to become a registered charity. This will mean we can access more funds and projects to support the improvements and developments within our community. We would like to thank VOSCUR for their ongoing support with this.
We will be sending out more information to those of you already on our mailing list, and asking for you to formally complete membership forms so that we can evidence that we are building our membership and working for you in our community. Membership will give you voting rights at meetings and AGMs and will enable you to have a voice and input into our plans and how we move projects forward.
Future Events – Remembrance Day
We have also had discussions about more events to plan, following on from the success of the Front Garden and Scarecrow trails earlier in the year. We were hoping to run a Remembrance Day event but as we are still in midst of ongoing COVID precautions we have agreed we will live stream the playing of the last post via our FB page on Sun 8th Nov @ 11 am, this enables Sea Mills and Coombe Dingle to mark the occasion without putting anyone at risk.
We have also designed a colouring sheet for younger members of our community to be able to offer their remembrance thoughts too. You can download it here. The colouring posted to Sea Mills 100 will be displayed in the Museum around Remembrance day, but feel free to download extras and decorate your windows with them, or with some of the other poppy crafts that can be found on our website here
Look out for further updates for events later in the year – and if you have any ideas of what we can do, feel free to share them with us and get in touch

Although Trick or Treating this Halloween is being strongly discouraged, some bright sparks in the BS9 area have set up a seasonal Window Wonderland trail for children of all ages to follow – get involved by going to their Facebook page – BS9 Window Wanderland – to either sign up and design a window yourself, or to access the map. There are already lots of windows to see around the Sea Mills and Coombe Dingle area and it will be a great, non-contact alternative to Trick or Treating with your children.

Next meeting
Our next meeting is coming up in November and we will keep you posted on our plans.